Tires Brands

Lexani tires

Founded: 1996
Founder: Lexani
Headquarters: Irwindale, California, USA

Lexani is a versatile brand from California. They excel most in the creation of high-performance tires – that is, tires fit for fast and powerful cars, to put it simply. Evidently, they do this job very well, at least by American standards.

Who makes Lexani tires? Lexani tires are manufactured by the brand’s own resources, which are surprisingly big, considering they aren’t someone’s subsidiary.

While the most popular type of product bought from Lexani is their high-performance tires, they also have the usual ‘touring’ rubbers for passengers and several more sorts. In essence, they made with similar technology – the better performing ones are simply made better. As such, they are also more expensive.
But the Lexani tires are not expensive, which is a treat considering their focus of highly durable and well-handled rubbers. These are, incidentally, the two qualities cherished the most by the creators. They put a lot of effort into making these tires stick to the ground as firmly as possible even at a very high speed.

Where are Lexani tires made? These rubbers are mostly made in California, although Lexani has other minor facilities in other parts of America.

They also behave very well in moderate snow (regarding their winter models). The tires that withstand such stress are bound to be durable, and they are. The bare minimum you can make with them is 15.000 miles, but the maximum goes way up.
Lexani are very nice tires. They aren’t flawless, but near it. You won’t regret buying these at all.