Tire Guide

What To Do If You Have A Tire Belt Broke – Causes And Symptoms

A broken tire belt is a common issue, and it can be sheer nuisance for drivers. It can happen anywhere and at any time. So what are the most common and symptoms of a damaged tire belt? This guide describes these symptoms and explains how to fix the problem. Here we go!

What signals a broken tire belt?

There are a variety of symptoms, and we are here to make it clear to everyone. The article sheds some light on how you can detect the symptoms, some of which can be dangerous. Once you have diagnosed the problem, you can use professional help and keep your car in good condition.

Abnormal noise

One of the most common symptoms of a broken tire belt is excessive noise. It tends to increase as you speed up. The damaged tire will begin to produce a squealing sound. If you have noticed something like that, most likely, it is time to buy a new product.
Trying to repair a tire with this kind of damage is no good. The separation will progress and your rides will grow shaky and jittery. Your trips will become uncomfortable and unsafe.
A broken tire belt may cause your vehicle to shake and jerk violently. The damaged tire will not last long and will come apart pretty soon. This increases the risk of a car accident, especially on a rainy day, during a snowfall, and/or on slippery and winding roads.
A separated tire cannot be used again. If you realize that one or more tires have gone bad, replace it/them immediately. Be sure to have all tires checked professionally to ensure their belts are all right.


Another common symptom is a sudden change in appearance. If you have checked your tires and noticed that something is wrong, take a closer look. Do not drive until you know what exactly is wrong and have fixed it. Tires with broken belts may have unusual curvatures, bumps, cracks and signs of wear.
Tire belt damage can undermine the tire’s general integrity. If you disregard the issue and continue to drive like this, the tread may come off from the inner layer and cause even more trouble.
Bumps and irregularities signify a separation. Please, do not expect it to go back to normal by itself. Replace the tire before things get really bad and begin to affect the handling.
Be sure that you always have a spare tire, wrenches, screwdrivers and a car jack in your vehicle. You will be able to replace the bad tire even if there are no people around. If necessary, go to the nearest car service center and have your vehicle checked professionally.


Many drivers report unusually shaky and jittery rides, which result from a broken tire belt and deformities. This can be very confusing and therefore dangerous. If you have noticed unusual movements of the steering wheel and vehicle as you drive, it is about time to check and maybe replace the tire(s).
However, the jerking of the steering wheel may have other causes. Stop driving and check all wheels. Be sure they are balanced properly. If there are no pronounced signs of a tire belt collapse and you have difficulty finding the cause, drive to the nearest car service station.
This will help you prevent this and many other malfunctions. Please, remember: it won’t resolve itself. It is a matter of your and other people’s safety, so take appropriate steps to eliminate all issues.

How does it happen?

There are several factors that contribute to tire belt breaks. Being aware of these can help you deal with the problem before it actually occurs. This article highlights three most common ones.

Poor quality of tires

Believe it or not, but many new cars come with bad tires. This happens due to errors that occur during the process. For example, technicians may fail to adjust the tread pattern properly. Some tires come with defective and poorly developed patterns.
Tire issues are not to be trifled with. If you have just purchased a vehicle and discovered a problem, get in touch with and consult the supplier. If you find out you have bought a faulty tire, you can apply for compensation.

Poor quality roads and excessive speed

Cars that have been in use for a long while without regular checks have issues. Particularly, tires wear down as we drive on various terrains, especially off-road. Physical impact often causes tire belts to break.
Driving on bad roads and off-road driving (unless your car is an off-roader) will dramatically reduce the tires’ life and cause it to wear down prematurely. Driving on such roads at high speeds will make it even worse: you will end up with many other car elements broken. If you find this driving style exciting, you’d better buy a respective type of vehicle.

Tread coming apart

Tread separation is a very serious issue. Tread is the most important part of any tire as it is in direct contact with the road. It features a pattern of grooves and sipes, which has been developed based on the fundamental laws of physics to ensure sufficient traction, grip and contact.
The pattern increases friction and prevents the tire from sliding. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that the tread fully meets all standards. If you have noticed that the tire is splitting apart, replace it.


Please, check the tire odometer from time to time. If there are pronounced signs of wear, get a new tire. You’d better hurry up, because the tread will continue to separate. Once again, you cannot fix a damaged tire, so it is time to buy a new one.
Keep an eye on the mileage, so that you know when it is time to visit a car service station and have a warranty check or repair. Manufacturers say that the odometer helps drivers figure out how properly they are using their vehicles and what they can do to prevent issues and drive safely.
Be sure that you have tire checker tools at hand. If you purchase one, you will be able to keep track of tire wear conveniently. Also, you will be able to predict the possibility of separation and take appropriate steps to ensure safe and comfortable driving.

You will be able to evaluate friction and the potential of the tire. If you fail to check your tire regularly, you may miss the critical point. Tires with broken belts are extremely susceptible to deformation and vulnerable to harsh outer influences.

Poor quality belts

Tire belts should provide a degree of stiffness and impact resistance. This takes specific knowledge and technology, and not all tire manufacturers actually produce tire belts.
A tire belt is a steel, fiberglass or rayon rope that is hidden beneath the upper layers of rubber. They help the tire to retain shape even when riding over bumpy roads and terrains.
The integrity and quality of a tire belt depends on how strong the material it is made of is. Tire makers use advanced techniques to boost their products’ longevity. They decide how many layers of rubber should cover the tire belt.
Like any other product or component, tire belts may have faults and defects. For this reason, it is important to purchase tires from pre-vetted and reputable dealers. Faults occur in tire belts that are made of low-grade materials and have a poor-quality rubber coating.
Those who know something about tire making and what makes a good quality product will not buy tires with faulty belts. Do not be shy to ask the seller whatever you want to know about the product.

How long will a bad tire last?

Ideally, you should stop driving right now. There is no telling how long it will last, what will happen if you continue to use them and when. Please, note that the thread can come off when you least expect. You don’t want to lose control and get into a car crash, do you?
You should remember that this how-long-it-will-last approach does not work with cars and driving. Faulty parts and components must be repaired and/or replaced right away! Please, use every little chance to have your tires and the rest of the car inspected. Use professional help even if you have experience with cars.
Please, do not try to save money by buying cheap tires from doubtful dealers. Take your time and investigate. Do a little research to find a reputable dealer. Browse manufacturer’s official websites and read user feedback.

Summing it up

Now that you have read the article, you know the most common signs of tire belt damage. Whatever issue you have with your car, it requires immediate action.
No one can tell you exactly for how long you will be able to use the affected tire and what will happen if the tire tread separates at a high speed. Be sure to check your vehicle’s wheels, tires and other components on a regular basis. Go to a reputable car service station to eliminate problems.
Stay in touch with your car- and tire maker. They can provide good advice on how to deal with problems and avoid trouble. Have your vehicle checked professionally even if there are no visible issues.